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Devils's Claw Root



Harpagophytum procubens

Devils Claw is widely available online and in health stores as a tincture, tea or in capsules. The herb occupies a relatively small naturalised area in the dry, sandy soils of southeastern Africa where demand often out paces supply. As a result Devils Claw has occasionally suffered from adulteration which has undermined the value of this extraordinary herb. For this reason NutriPunkt Devils Claw is sourced from a single sight, making it easy to control the quality of the herb.

NutriPunkt Organic Devils Claw is a fair trade product. In recent years the fair trade agreement between grower and buyer has helped provide a school for the local community who harvest the roots, supporting the stability of the community which in turn ensures this difficult to harvest root is treated with the utmost sensitivity, where crops can be preserved for future generations.

Devils Claw has a slightly bitter taste and is well complimented by the subtle sweetness of ginseng, the refreshing spice of ginger or the earthy flavour associated with turmeric. Add a quarter to a half of a teaspoon of herb per cup of water to taste and perhaps a little honey to sweeten.

Superfine powder for full instant dispersion and a fuller flavour.

Devils's Claw Root

  • Directions: A quarter to half a teaspoon to taste. This devils Claw Root tea can be enjoyed stirred into any liquid beverage of your choice. Once opened consume within 1 month

    Net Weight: 20g

    Approximately: 20 to 30 serving

  • Ingredients: Organic Devils Claw Root. Harpagophytum procubens

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